Beyond grateful for you, Boo

An appreciation post for my big sister Becka is LONG overdue (mainly because she’s the creative brain behind our Instagram and therefore, this is first post she hasn’t edited). BUT, today is her BIRTHDAY which feels like the perfect time to let you in on Homebody’s behind-the-scenes super power.
Becka is four years older than me, and along with my oldest sister Maddie, she’s been my first (and best) friend, role model, and adventure partner since day one.
She took me under her wing as a baby, giving her four-year-old self the responsibility of rocking me to sleep while singing Silent Night (I was a December baby, after all)!
Fast forward a few years and Becka was always my first confidant about the big, wild dreams that floated in my head. She’s a ‘yes’ girl, and always greets my big ideas with even bigger ones. So, when Homebody was in its early planning phases, Becka was named our CVO, ‘Chief Visionary Officer’.
She is the extrovert to my introvert, posting parts of my story that I was too shy to share, and clicking “post” for the first six months when I was too scared. She’s the one who planned a ribbon cutting on the day I got the keys to 134 North Main, and the one who choreographed my whole family singing “We Built Homebody”, a custom rendition to the tune of “We Built This City”, to celebrate my last day as an engineer. (More on that another day).
Homebody wouldn’t exist without you, Becka. You’ve pushed me every step of the way, held my hand on the hard days, and popped champagne on the good days. I’m so grateful for you

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